The 12th congress and 50th anniversary of ISRM
By Shengwen Qi
The 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics with theme of Harmonizing Rock Engineering and the Environment has held in China National Conventional Center (CNCC) during Oct. 17-21, 2011 in Beijing, China. Over 1000 delegates from all over the world attended the congress. The congress was organized by ISRM China National Group and Singapore Nnational Group. ISRM annual council meeting and 50th anniversary celebration ceremony were held during the conference. IAEG Secretary General Prof. Wu Faquan attended the activities mentioned above.
Prof. Wu gave a congratulation speech on behalf of IAEG and the president Carlos Delgado in the 50th anniversary celebration ceremony of ISRM.
In order to promote and strengthen friendship and cooperation between IAEG and ISRM, professor Wu Faquan, as the representative of IAEG and the president Carlos Delgado, hosted a banquet lunch for the new Board Members of ISRM. Professor Wang Sijing, the past president of IAEG, professor John Hudson, the past president of ISRM, and the chairperson of IAEG C33, professor Resat Ulusay attended the banquet and gave warm welcome speech.
(by Qi Shengwen)