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中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会 国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)中国委员会

收藏本站 294531 2020年02月27日,星期四
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New IAEG website 2015

来源:中国工程地质专业委员会   浏览次数:1239   发布时间: 2015-04-24

Dear all,


I’m glad to inform you that the new version of the IAEG website is now online. Please visit it at www.iaeg.info.


After a testing period on a “beta version”, we have resolved a number of issues, collected and applied several suggestions, which we hope will further enhance our effort.


As you can see, apart from the update made on the information present in the web, there will be a number of new features, including:


(1)  We changed the software platform to WordPress, which allows for a more efficient management of the webpages and is more usable/compatible with the modern devices (smartphones and tablets);


(2)  We reorganized the information. Some pages were not useful and we have deleted them, while other pages were difficult to access due to much “nesting”;


(3)  We have included also a new important section, which is the “Blog”. The idea is to give access to a number of IAEG members that will act as “correspondents” from different geographic areas, with  different scientific/professional expertise. In the blog,  they can write short articles about recent experiences, hot topics, particular events, open discussions, etc. We hope that the Blog will give more vitality to the website and a larger visibility to our association. Apart from correspondents, also other members can interact by posting comments and replies after creating a personal account on the website. We have now included three examples of Blog articles, and we invite you all to contribute to this initiative.


(4)  We have organized the website in three different publication levels. The is a “public” area, open to all visitors, a “registered” area, where it is necessary to subscribe and log in on the website, and a “IAEG members only” area where only IAEG members registered on the website can access. The Documents relevant to the Commissions’ Activities reside within this latter area. Thus, by subscribing on the website we kindly ask to indicate if you are member, to which National Group, and your field of interest/activity.    


I hope you will enjoy this new version of the website, and that this will increase the interest on the activities of our association. It is clear that the website vitality depends on the information you all would like to share and divulgate. For this reason, I kindly invite you to support our editorial activity sending news and updates on issues relevant to Engineering Geology themes.   


Best regards,

Giorgio and the web-site board.


Giorgio Lollino

IAEG Vice President for South Europe

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica

Strada delle Cacce, 73
10135 - Torino - Italia

( + 39 011/3977810     Fax: 39 011/3977821

* giorgio.lollino@irpi.cnr.it

Web:  www.iaeg.info         http://gmg.irpi.cnr.it          www.irpi.cnr.it