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中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会 国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)中国委员会

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来源:工程地质专业委员会   浏览次数:1990   发布时间: 2011-10-10


2011.10.11 (Tuesday)   
08:20 Opening Address by Prof. HUANG, Runqiu
:30 Opening Address by Prof. KASHIWAYA, Kenji
:40 LI, Yong:Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake and tectonic geomorphology and rivers response
09:00 KASHIWAYA, Kenji: Limno-geomorphological events printed in lacustrine sediments
:20 KIM,Juyong:Paleosoil Formation and Chronology of Osong Excavation Sites, Cheongwon County, Korea 
:40 SHEN,Ji: Environmental evolution of Xingkai Lake (Khanka) since 200 ka by OSL dating of sand hills
10:00 TAMURA, Toshikazu:Valley-head micro landform evolution in changing Holocene environment
:20 Group Photo & Coffee/Tea Break/Poste
11:00 TANG, Chuan:Triggering conditions and depositional characteristics of a disastrous debris flow event in the Zhouqu city, northwestern China
:20 LIM, Jaesoo:Vegetation changes in the Yugu floodplain, Kongju area, central South Korea during the Holocene
:40 TSERENDASH, Narantsetseg:Lithology and geochemistry of DDP10-3 core sediment of Darkhad basin, Northern Mongolia
12:00 OWCZAREK, Piotr:Activity of periglacial processes as the indicator of modern climate change in the High Arctic     
:20 Lunch (Navike Western Restaurant, Eastar Hotel)
14:00 YANG, Xiaoping:Palaeoenvironmental variations and geomorphological processes in the dune fields of the eastern portion of the middle-latitude desert belt in Asia
:20 ITONO, Taeko:Historical hydro-environmental fluctuations inferred from lacustrine sediments in central Japan
:40 BURR,George:Radiocarbon dating of sediments
15:00 CHEN, Ningsheng:Impact of Earthquake on Debris Flows – with a case study on the Wenchuan Earthquake
:20 YOUN, Jeungsu:Mud sedimentation and provenance discrimination of the muddy deposits in the East China Sea
:40 TAO, Yuqiang:Deposition, sources and fates of organochlorine pesticides in western and southern Tibetan Plateau Evidence from surface soils, lake sediment core and black carbon
16:00 Coffee/Tea Break/Poster
:40 SEIYA, Nagao:Variation in Characteristics of Particulate Organic Matter in the Bekanbeushi River waters 
17:00 YU, Bin:Forming Conditions of Subaqueous depositional Channels by Turbidity Currents
:20 HEO, Jinbee:High-resolution variations of surface-water condition in the southeastern East Sea/Japan Sea during the last glacial and deglacial periods
:40 SIMOM, Norbert:Comparing the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Discriminant Analysis Models in Landslide Susceptibility Zonation, Kota Kinabalu
18:00 YU, Dong:The effect of phosphorus and starch in Abies fabri trees at four altitudes on the olonization by Abuscular mycorrhizal fungi


  2011.10.12 (Wednesday)
:20 WANG Yunsheng:The seismic geological disasters and the landscape processes
:40 OCHIAI, Shinya:Catchment environmental changes inferred from small reservoir sediment in Noto Peninsula, Japan
09:00 LI, Chunhai:Climate change impact on the early rice culture in the Low Yangtze river delta
:20 OYUNCHIMEG, Tserentsegmid:Distribution of trace and RE elements in sediments of Lake Dood (Darhad Basin), Northern Mongolia: as an indicator of paleoenvironmental changes
:40 LAI, Zhongping:Lake level fluctuation in terminal Qinghai Lake in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during pat 160 ka
10:00 NI, Huayong:Classification, characteristics and case study on mining-related debris flow
:20 Coffee/Tea Break/Poster
:40 JARY, Zdzislaw:Dynamic of recent geomorphic processes in the upper part of the Bukhtarma River
11:00 WANG, Yong:Variability of Indian summer monsoon since the last deglaciation inferred from the sediment records of Lake Lugu, SW China
:20 DONG, Xuhui:Rapid ecological changes following altered hydrological connectivities with the Yangtze River in Zhangdu Lake over the past 200 years
:40 TIE, Yongbo: Moraine-supplied Debris Flow Initiation Condition in Moxi Basin, Southwestern of China